What does Roam.ai offer?
We offer you components for building your location-aware mobile applications in order to improve your location accuracy and battery efficiency. Roam.ai provides a highly accurate location SDK and over 30 API's optimized for the majority of mobile devices and operating systems (iOS and Android).
Our main product is our Location SDK, focused on delivering accurate and reliable location tracking technology without compromising on battery efficiency. The SDK offers customizable tracking modes to fit developers' use case, as well as reliability features like always-on tracking, offline tracking, and mock location prevention.
We then have a range of APIs to empower developers to create unique location-based experiences. These APIs are geofencing, trips, nearby, insights, marketing campaigns, and geocoding.
Lastly, to connect the SDK and the APIs and to create a truly real-time experience, we have a pub/sub infrastructure to publish and subscribe to events and location updates.